Monday, May 30, 2011
Summer crocheted Arizona necklace!
A little hi! to show you my last necklaces collection... I'm very proud of them, so fresh and playful. Wear it with a simple loose t-shirt and a pair of shorts:) Have fun!
Una rapida entrada para mostrarles mi ultima coleccion de collares... Estoy tan orgullosa de ellos, tan frescos y divertidos. Usalos con una camiseta ancha y un par de shorts :) Diviertanse!
Un petit coucou pour vous montrer les derniers colliers de ma collection... Je suis très fière d'eux, si frais et marrants. Porte-les avec une t-shirt ample et un pair of short :) Amusez-vous bien!
Friday, May 27, 2011
Hype in salmon with a handmade crocheted necklace!
Monday, May 23, 2011
Como editar las fotos de tus productos para que parezcan de revista!
A que siempre te preguntaste como hacen las revistas para que sus imagenes parezcan limpias y sin objetos molestos que te distraigan del producto? Bueno, hoy les cuento como hacer algo simple con un programa gratuito y seguro (GIMP) paso por paso...
No es cuestion de que toooodas tus imagenes sean editadas... a veces es lindo ver otros colorcitos, pero para algunos objetos viene bien, sobre todo cuando no tenemos mucha luz y tenemos que sacarlas en interior... aca vamos!
Je paris que vous vous avez demandés comment ça c'est fait que les magazines font pour présenter des produits tous "cleans" et sans d'autres objets de distraction? Bon, ben aujourd'hui je vous montre une petite solution avec un software gratos et sécurisé (GIMP) pas à pas...
Ne pas question non plus de tout faire avec cela, car quelques images sont plus jolis avec un fond... mais, parfois c'est bien de compter sur quelque chose que puisse nous éviter de chercher le moment idéal ou la lumière que ne vient pas pour avoir de bons résultats... alors voilà!
I bet that you have already thought about how the magazines make to present their products very "clean" without objects that distract you from the main one? Well, today I show you a little solution with a free and safe software (GIMP) step by step...
Is not nice for alllll your product because sometimes it's nice to see pics with a background, but this help us to make shootings with not the ideal light and have great results at the same time... so, here we go!
1° Abrir la imagen / Ouvrir l'image/ Open the image
2° Una vez abierto click en la herramienta de dibujo a mano alzada (lazo)/ Une fois ouvert click sur l'outil de dessin à main levée (lacet) / Once opened it click on the drawing free tool (lace)
3°Dibujar el contorno y cortar/ Dessiner le contour et couper/ Draw the contour and cut
4°Abrir un nuevo documento y pegar/ Ouvrir un nouveau doc et coller/ Open a new document and paste.
Luego puedes jugar con las miles de opciones y por ultimo guardar/ Après vous pouvez jouer avec les milliard d'options et sauver/ The you can play with thousands of options and save
Para ello seleccionar el tipo de archivo, en este caso jpg/ Pour cela sélectionner le type d'archive, dans ce cas là jpg/ For this select the type of archive, in this case jpg
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Parisian summer chic (with crocheted choker)
Isn't this set supper chic? I found (again) my beloved Polyvore account to share with you the outfits which I imagine my items to be wear with.
N'est ce pas ce set super chic? J'ai (re) trouvé mon bien aimé Polyvore pour partager avec vous les stylismes que j'imagine vous pourrais porter avec mes créas!
No les parece este set super chic? Encontré (nuevamente) mi muy querido Polyvore para compartir con ustedes los outfits con los que imagino podrian combinarse mis creaciones...
Parisian summer chic by Analadesigner featuring pleated tops
Monday, May 16, 2011
Collar en crochet con inspiracion folk

Arizona ------------- Crocheted folk necklace// Collier crochete folk// Collar en crochet estilo folk. , originalmente cargada por anasousa-Crear es creer.
ES: Hola a tod@s, como va? hoy por aqui con el dia un poco gris, pero no nos podemos quejar...
Estoy feliz de saber que este verano los colores vienen con todo, y se me dio por hacer un collar en crochet irlandés (soy principante!!) y luego lo endureci para que no parezca cualquier cosa...
Les gusta?
Bonjour à tous! ça va la vie? même s'il fait pas super beau aujourd'hui mais nous ne pouvons pas nous plaindre...
Je suis très contente de savoir que les couleurs seront de la partie cet été, et j'ai fait ce collier en crochet irlandais (je suis nouvelle dans cette technique...)et après je l'ai endurci pour qu'il ne resemble pas à n'importe quoi... qu'en pensez vous?
Hello you all! everything all right? here it's ok, even if today is not a sunny day we cannot complain...
I'm super happy to see this summer is going to be full of color so I have made this necklace in irish crochet (I'm a newbie) and I have hardened it to give it a good shape... what do you think?
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Color splash+good taste=perfectly possible
I don't know why some people think that using color is equal to bad taste or not classy... here a great example of what you can make with color when you choose the right combination... and you can make something similar with less budget, but that is another story...
Saturday, May 07, 2011
Interviewing Fernanda from Dikua
Bonjour!! Aujourd'hui je vais vous présenter à Fernanda de Dikua qui nous montre sa collection de bijoux, avec des couleurs idéals pour le "color block" look! Je pense que ses créas sont hyper-modernes et portables et vous, quel est votre avis? Connaissez plus de cette talentueuse créatrice...
Hi! Today I introduce you Fernanda de Dikua who is going to show as her jewelry collection, with ideal colors for your "color block" look! I think that her designs are super-mmoderns and easily wereables... and you, what do you think? Know more about this talented creative person...
Mi nombre es Fernanda Ibarrola, mi marca es Dikua, diminutivo de Tinhindikua, palabra purépecha que significa arete, pendiente. Los Purépechas (también conocidos como Tarascos) son el grupo indígena originario de la actual zona de Michoacán , México en donde nació mi padre.
Tuesday, May 03, 2011
Blogging for charity-The Green Chain
I found this campaign very interesting and useful to help some ONG's which are trying to help out our environement, so why not to answer to the following 8 questions? PriceMinister will donate £10 to my chosen charity.
Hope you react as I did to make this work and make a group of people happy!
To participate just go to The Green Chain page and copy paste this series of questions on your blog... piece of cake!
-Turning the heating down by just one degree in your house saves 240kg
of CO2 a year. It would take eight trees to soak up this amount of CO2!
Are you currently doing anything to make your home eco-friendly?
Actually I don't put the heating on to more of 18°, I don't have a car (and I don't like them...) so I take public transport or I cycle, better for the environement and my legs!
- Rainforests once covered 14% of the earth's land surface, now they only
cover 2%. How are you reducing your use of paper?
In my office we don't have any area to recycle, so I have suggested to re-use the paper we print to use both sides (most of the paper we print are not that important...), anyway I would like to have an exclusive area where all the company could recycle, also for batteries and IT material which is not recycled or selected to trhough away in a proper way...
- At PriceMinister we believe that trading second hand items online is a
great way to extend the life span of products. Have you ever thought of
buying or selling second hand items on or off line?
I think I'm a precursor on the subject ;) I buy a lot of second hand items on-line, especially vintage stuff that are rubbish for the actual owners and a treasure for me! This helps everybody to appreciate better what we have and what we get (unique objects for other eras are charming, less expensive and we don't force industries to continue producing stuff we don't really need!!)
- One of the biggest environmental challenges we face is Freshwater
Shortages. Are you taking measures to reduce your water consumption?
Well I could do better... I remember when I was a child and my parents took us (my brother and me) to the nature... we never stopped by a supermarket and bought water!!! We carried it from home in a thermos to keep it fresh and we renewed it all the time in natural sources... so we didn't have to deal with plastic bottles ... I remember very well how this changed so easily and made us lazier....and less ecological...
- How do you choose the produce that goes into your shopping basket?
(any favorite products?)
Lately I have choosen to cook more and more so I don't use anything beside basic products like eggs, veggies, flour, sugar, milk... so my basket seems closer to a 70 years old womand than a 30 (ies) year old working woman... but even if I pass more time making dinner I enjoy it a lot more...
- What is your favourite green space near home? (a photo would be great!)
I like almost all green spaces in Paris... but one I enjoy a lot (especially in the morning weekend's) is Le parc de la Villette. Full of families in the morning and young people in the afternoon (you can also enjoy free concerts once in a while!)
- Which charity would you like to support and why?
Young Peoples Trust for the Environment (I trust little ones can appreciate and maybe fix the chaos we have right now...)
- Please give us the url of a fellow blogger (or bloggers) you would like us
to contact to raise an extra £10